«Frozen» V8
in the Spotlight
The technical theme which prevails in 2007 Formula 1
concerns again engines. Certainly not in the most traditional terms, bound
to advanced research and progress, as it has happened during a century of
high-level competitions, but merely in order to correctly analyze the
performances of race-cars during the whole 2007 season, after an epochal
turning point.
We have passed from a contest which was excessively influenced by the
characteristics of tyres (in view of the maximal obtainable adherence, with
such a wild escalation that even the safety in the races has been
undermined), to a confrontation with unified tyres, race by race, tyres
which come from a unique, not free supplying. This situation leads back the
analysis of performances to the usual components of engine and chassis. The
better you value the former, the more easily is the survey about the
latter, which includes also complex aerodynamic features.
A good knowledge of this matter begins by noticing that
Fia, after introducing the engine of 2,400 cm3
in 2006, with a series of
rules to make it asymptotic, even decided to “freeze” it, with an absurd
homologation, for the next four years, and to limit it, from 2007, at
19,000 rpm, under the pretext of cutting costs and saving all the
constructors engaged.
An overall view of the problem allows us to state that the worst
restrictions in the whole history have been imposed: the number and the
disposition of the cylinders (8 arranged in a 90° configuration); the
cylinder bore fixed at 98 mm; the cylinder spacing at 106,5 mm; the
crankshaft centreline at 58 mm above the prescribed reference plane; the
centre of gravity at 165 mm above the same plane; the weight not lower than
95 kg, etc.
In order to verify the maximum output of these engines,
we may follow two usual technical ways, as they have been minutely
described in my newest treatise “From Aerodynamics to Power in Formula 1”,
published by Giorgio Nada: either calculating
the total drag of the car or using the formula of power itself.
The former calculation, proposed here, is based on the data of 2006
(aerodynamic characteristics and top speeds have been recorded on the most
meaningful tracks, Silverstone and Monza), in order to carry out the right
Here are the results:
Highest powers
of 2006
Cv |
Ferrari |
Toyota |
McLaren-Mercedes |
Honda |
Renault |
RBR-Ferrari |
Williams-Cosworth |
Midland-Toyota |
STR-Cosworth |
Super Aguri-Honda |
Cv |
As far as the second way is
concerned, we remind that the formula of power, besides piston
displacement, cylinder number and bore/stroke ratio (constant values,
here), considers also these following important variables: average
effective pressure pme
[kg/cm²] and
rotational speed n
[revolutions, in thousands].
The shift from engines developed until 2005 (10 cylinders of
3,000 cm³)
to those of 2006 has kept
the same unitary piston displacement and, practically speaking, the same
ratio between cylinder bore and stroke. For this reason we may value their
functional characteristics with a constant and stabilized pme, using a very
simplified formula, in which we only need to know the revolution number
(expressed in thousands, for greater convenience).
Hence, with some approximation, the power Ne
of a 2006-2007 V8 engine, with a pme about
kg/cm², as we may
find only in the most advanced engines, will be:
Ne = 39,365
Obviously, as far as the less “daring” production is
concerned, for example the one of engines which are sold to another team,
the calculation must be done with lower pme values (because of reliability)
and unlikely higher than
Therefore, it will
be very interesting to calculate, from the first to the last Grand Prix of
the season, the highest power levels which have been reached, simply on the
grounds of information about the rotational speeds which come from phono-metric
recordings, or from data gathered by the electronic control units of each
car (by contract they must be granted to the organizers), as it is often
shown in TV broadcasting.
For this purpose we have yet to consider only
the maximum rotational speeds reached in the top gear, which coincide with
the highest point on the power curve.
On the contrary, with lower gears we will have a so called “over-rev”
(falling power output), in order to shift on the most favourable point of
the curve, when time comes to engage the upper gear.
For instance, according to a precious secret revealed to me by doctor Mario
Theissen, director of BMW, the best 2006 engine reached 19,000 rpm in the
seventh gear, while in lower gears it marked rotational speeds between
19,400 and 19,600 rpm.
With the ceiling of 19,000 rpm, included in
2007 Technical Regulations, engineers have been forced to move the point
of highest power about 400-500 revs under the aforesaid limit, in order to
arrange the best exploitation during the phase of acceleration or while
certain turns are run through.
Practically speaking, engines with 19,000 rpm on both characteristic points
cannot exist. For this reason, the calculation of maximum powers, regarding
top 2007 Formula 1 engines (depending on how rotational speed changes, with
the top gear engaged) might give the following results:
at 18,800
× 18,8 = 740
at 18,700
× 18,7 = 736
at 18,600
× 18,6 = 732
at 18,500
× 18,5 = 728
at 18,400
× 18,4 = 724
at 18,300
× 18,3 = 720
Hence, it is in theory a little but considerable
regression, in comparison with the achievements of the past year. It is the
price to pay in order to guarantee the quinquennial levelling law required
by the obscurantist Fia.

Toyota Engine

Renault Engine

Mercedes Engine |